A Okie look at all thing Politics, eCampaign, New Media and Warfare - - - I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. - John Adams
Friday, October 31, 2008
American Minute - Oct. 31 - Protestantism & American Independence
Upon signing the Declaration of Independence, Samuel Adams stated:
"This day, I trust, the reign of political protestantism will commence."
The 56 signers were mostly Protestant, with a notable exception being Catholic Charles Carroll of Maryland.
New York University Professor Emeritus Patricia Bonomi, in her article "The Middle Colonies as the Birthplace of American Religious Pluralism" wrote:
"The colonists were about 98 percent Protestant."
British Statesman Edmund Burke addressed Parliament, 1775:
"All Protestantism...is a sort of dissent.
But the religion most prevalent in our Northern Colonies is a refinement on the principle of resistance; it is the dissidence of dissent, and the protestantism of the Protestant religion."
Protestantism traces its origins to OCTOBER 31, 1517, when Martin Luther posted 95 questions on the door of Wittenberg Church.
Summoned to stand trial before 21-year-old Emperor Charles V, Luther was declared an outlaw.
Frederick of Saxony hid him in Wartburg castle where he translated the New Testament into German.
Luther later wrote:
"I am much afraid that schools will prove to be the great gates of hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth."
Good Heavens, what if Biden *means* all those things he says ?

Is Joe Biden the foot-in-mouth candidate - or is he the Obama campaign's designated teller of inconvenient truths?
First, the Democratic veep hopeful declared that America's enemies will generate "an international crisis, to test the mettle of" a President Obama.
Scary - but likely true.
And yesterday Biden let slip that he and Obama apparently have a sliding scale to determine who's "super-rich."
Obama, after all, has been promising a tax cut for the "middle class" - those making $200,000 a year or less.
Biden yesterday lowered that bar.
"What we're saying," he told a Pennsylvania TV interviewer, "is that [our] tax break doesn't need to go to people making . . . $1.4 million. It should go to [people] making under $150,000 a year."
Oops. That's a 25 percent downward redefinition of "middle class."
An Obama mouthpiece quickly dismissed the discrepancy as just another one of Joe the Senator's gaffes.
But consider: The campaign has a new TV commercial out declaring that families - not individuals - earning $200,000 or less would qualify for a tax cut. Two incomes - not one.
And, as most middle-class wage-earners know, that's a huge difference.
As Sen. John McCain said yesterday: "At this rate, it won't be long before Sen. Obama is right back to his vote that Americans making just $42,000 should get a tax increase."
We wouldn't be surprised - what with leading congressional Democrats like Rep. Barney Frank licking their chops at the chance to raise taxes.
"We'll have to raise taxes, ultimately," Frank declared over the weekend.
Don't say you weren't warned.
Al Qaeda wants Republicans, Bush "humiliated"

"O God, humiliate Bush and his party, O Lord of the Worlds, degrade and defy him," Abu Yahya al-Libi said at the end of sermon marking the Muslim feast of Eid al-Fitr, in a video posted on the Internet.
Libi, a top al Qaeda commander believed to be living in Afghanistan or Pakistan, called for God's wrath to be brought against Bush equating him with past tyrants in history.
The remarks were the first from a leading al Qaeda figure referring, albeit indirectly, to the U.S. elections. Muslim clerics often end sermons by calling on God to guide and support Muslims and help defeat their enemies.
Terrorism monitor SITE Intelligence Group said in a report on Wednesday that militants on al Qaeda-linked websites have for months been debating the significance of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama or Republican John McCain.
Some posters have also argued over the merits of trying to attack the United States before the election or waiting until later, the report said.
In 2004 bin Laden issued his first video in more than a year just days before the U.S. elections. It derided Bush and warned of possible new September 11-style attacks.
Bin Laden made little mention of Bush's Democratic challenger, John Kerry, telling Americans: "Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or al Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands and each state which does not harm our security will remain safe."
Kerry has attributed his loss in part to the video's high-profile reminder of the terrorism issue.
In 2006, after Democrats captured Congress, Zawahri issued an audio message saying all Americans remained al Qaeda's enemies regardless of party, SITE said.
SITE said militant postings on al Qaeda-linked websites typically discuss Obama in terms of his race, or his religion and foreign policy. Some forecast a racial crisis dividing the United States if he wins. Others say his planned phased withdrawal from Iraq would be a boon to al Qaeda's affiliate and give it a base for Middle East expansion.
Republican presidential nominee John McCain has been portrayed as likely to allow "the continuation of Republican control and aggressive policies toward the Islamic world."
Obama Would Fail Background Checks
John Kerry. Barack Obama. The Same...
Hat Tip to my friend MediaLizzy
Voiceover is John Kerry from 1971 testimony before US Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Script Text:
John Kerry. Barack Obama.
More of the Same.
1971: US Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing
John Kerry accused American Soldiers of Atrocities...
"...randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan..."
Barack Obama sounds a lot like his friend John Kerry...
as reported by the Nashua Telegraph, 8/17/07
Obama on American Troops in Afghanistan:
"...just air raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous problems there,"
---Barack Obama
Is that the "change" you believe in?
Or more of the same?
November 4th,
You have the choice
I am just one voter.
This video is not affiliated with, not sanctioned by, nor coordinated with any candidate, committee, organization, party, PAC, or interest group.
Remember to vote.

Script Text:
John Kerry. Barack Obama.
More of the Same.
1971: US Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing
John Kerry accused American Soldiers of Atrocities...
"...randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan..."
Barack Obama sounds a lot like his friend John Kerry...
as reported by the Nashua Telegraph, 8/17/07
Obama on American Troops in Afghanistan:
"...just air raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous problems there,"
---Barack Obama
Is that the "change" you believe in?
Or more of the same?
November 4th,
You have the choice
I am just one voter.
This video is not affiliated with, not sanctioned by, nor coordinated with any candidate, committee, organization, party, PAC, or interest group.
Remember to vote.
If you have an "I Voted" sticker on Tuesday...FREE Krispy Kreme

If you have an "I Voted" sticker
on Tuesday,
Krispy Kreme will give you a
free doughnut.
It even has sprinkles!
on Tuesday,
Krispy Kreme will give you a
free doughnut.
It even has sprinkles!
18:1 by the Drive by Media

Study: Palin coverage negative
Media coverage of Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin has been overwhelmingly negative according to a new study by the Culture and Media Institute, a conservative media watchdog group.
A survey of stories shown on NBC, CBS and ABC between September 29 and October 12 showed that negative stories about Palin were shown over positive stories at a rate of 18-1. Of the 69 stories about the Alaska governor shown during the stretch, 37 were deemed negative, 30 neutral and 2 positive.
Both of the positive stories were aired on CBS. More than half of each of the networks stories were negative. The study did not offer any information on how Palin coverage has skewed since Oct. 12.
“If the polls are accurate, the networks have successfully created a caricature of Sarah Palin that ignores her all-American appeal, intelligence and accomplishments,” Media Research Center President Brent Bozell said in a release accompanying the report. “CMI's analysis shows an undeniable pattern of bias against her in a critical period before the election.”

According to the report, most of the negative stories portrayed Palin as either unqualified and unintelligent or as attacking Barack Obama unfairly.
Since being unveiled as McCain’s running mate, Palin has had a contentious relationship with the press. The Alaska governor has been criticized for not being available to reporters and, by many measures, failed her first tests in interviews with ABC’s Charles Gibson and CBS’s Katie Couric.
Palin has frequently criticized the press as biased and sexist both on the stump and in interviews.
During an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America” Thursday, the Alaska governor said there is an “obvious double standard” in her coverage.
“I mean, talk about my wardrobe and never talking about the male candidate's wardrobe. Or the questions posed to me of how I will be able to serve in office and still raise a family. I've never heard that asked of a male candidate,” she said.
“But I'm not going to complain about that, because if my skin isn’t thick enough to take that as a candidate, I should not be even thinking of serving this nation as vice president.”
Drive by Media,
Sarah Palin
Fred Thompson for RNC Chair ?
Hat Tip to The Griffin Room

Yesterday, I spoke extensively with a prominent (understatement) Republican strategist, and he informed me that he believes there is great interest in Sen. Fred Thompson serving as the next Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Fred is a mainstream conservative who made a lot of sense during the Republican debates. Watch for more and more chatter about this because there is a great deal of dissatisfaction with some of the other names who have been floated so far.
BTW, I attended a forum at the Harvard Kennedy School yesterday where Sen. Thompson spoke and answered questions for almost two hours. He was well received and spoke with much passion.

Can We get this Guy to run for Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman

So I guess that makes Dawson “scary” to leftists across the state and country, like the folks at some liberal rag in Boston that I’ve never heard of who named him the “25th Scariest Conservative in America.”
Why, then, are they so afraid of Dawson? I’m guessing it has a lot to do with the RNC chair statement.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Democrat Party Chair Indicates Governor has Broken Law

Reynolds urged the governor to publicly address the campaign finance controversy.
“State Democratic Party Chairman Ivan Holmes recently said the Young Democrats of Oklahoma are an official affiliate of the state party, which means Governor Henry has illegally exceeded the maximum donation allowed to a state party under Oklahoma law,” said Reynolds, R-Oklahoma City. “It’s time the governor publicly addresses this issue or seeks the return of the contributions.”
Earlier this month, Reynolds questioned the legality of Henry’s contributions to the Young Democrats of Oklahoma. Campaign reports show that Henry donated $5,000 from his surplus campaign funds to the Young Democrats of Oklahoma in 2007 and again in 2008 – a combined total of $10,000.
However, it is illegal for a candidate to give campaign funds to any partisan organization other than a state party and its affiliates (which are normally just county parties).
In an Oct. 2 article in the Tulsa World, Holmes claimed the Young Democrats are an official affiliate of the state party.
If Holmes is correct, Gov. Henry has violated annual state limits on campaign contributions to a political party once his gifts to the Young Democrats are combined with separate donations to the official state party, Reynolds noted.
“It appears the governor has either violated contribution limits or illegally donated surplus funds to a partisan group that is not a party affiliate,” Reynolds said. “If Chairman Holmes’ comments are true, the governor’s actions would either be illegal or unethical.”
Reynolds also noted that other Democratic lawmakers have made similar contributions from surplus funds to non-party affiliates. At least nine Democratic legislators have given in excess of $26,000 from their surplus campaign funds to a Democratic legislative PAC (WIN PAC).
“Apparently, Chairman Holmes has advised these lawmakers that WIN PAC is also a party affiliate,” Reynolds said. “He seems to have a pattern of violating or skirting state laws and willing to facilitate illegal activity. Oklahomans deserve better.”
"In Search of that More Perfect Union (Two)"
Hat Tip to my friend Wyatt
The video was too long so I had to split it into two different parts, so this is the second half.
For over 200 years American Democracy has been shaped by the blood and sacrifices of patriots pushing forward liberty, hoping that with each and every passing generation that the ever evolving understanding of freedom would propel the nation to great heights. Struggle and trial and turmoil America has been tested in the flame of that "sacred fire of liberty."
Now the question comes to us, what have we done? What will we do to expand and extend the bounds of freedom in search of that "More Perfect Union".

For over 200 years American Democracy has been shaped by the blood and sacrifices of patriots pushing forward liberty, hoping that with each and every passing generation that the ever evolving understanding of freedom would propel the nation to great heights. Struggle and trial and turmoil America has been tested in the flame of that "sacred fire of liberty."
Now the question comes to us, what have we done? What will we do to expand and extend the bounds of freedom in search of that "More Perfect Union".
In Search of that More Perfect Union (One)
Hat Tip to my buddy Wyatt
For over 200 years American Democracy has been shaped by the blood and sacrifices of patriots pushing forward liberty, hoping that with each and every passing generation that the ever evolving understanding of freedom would propel the nation to great heights. Struggle and trial and turmoil America has been tested in the flame of that "sacred fire of liberty."
Now the question comes to us, what have we done? What will we do to expand and extend the bounds of freedom in search of that "More Perfect Union".

Now the question comes to us, what have we done? What will we do to expand and extend the bounds of freedom in search of that "More Perfect Union".
Hat Tip to my buddy Lonnie @ConservativeVoiceUSA

76% of US Citizens in Israel Vote For McCain
Hat Tip to israel matzav
US citizens in Israel overwhelmingly
support John McCain.
-- 46% of Democrats have crossed
party lines to vote McCain.
I keep telling you all that Republican candidate John Sidney McCain would win a much higher percentage of the votes of American citizens who live in Israel than any of the polls were showing. I was right.
The exit polls show a very strong preference for John McCain over Barack Obama. The polls, carried out and analyzed by Keevoon, a Jerusalem-based research, strategy and communications firm, indicate that 76% of the polled voters in Israel said they voted for Republican candidate John McCain; 24% said they cast their ballot in favor the Democrat, Barack Obama. The information is based on data collected from 817 absentee voters at several voting events in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv as well as an online survey.
And I was right about the reasons too.
A few interesting figures about the voters:
A clear correlation was noted between religious observance and voting pattern.
Turnout among young voters ages 18 to 34 was high (37%)
31% were first-time voters
25% have lived in Israel for more than 15 years, 33% less than one year
52% are also Israeli citizens
Half are either independent or not registered with either party
46% of Democrats crossed party lines to vote for McCain.
Only 2% of Republicans voted for Obama. And
57% listed foreign policy (including Israel) as the most important factor in their consideration; 14% listed the economy; 7%, Iran; and 6%, the war in Iraq/terrorism.
Nearly two-thirds were 'very concerned' with Iran; 93% agreed that a nuclear Iran would be a threat to the U.S.
Perhaps most interesting is that McCain is viewed as more capable of handling challenges, even among Obama voters.
Someone please get these figures to all those misguided American Jews who think Barack Hussein Obama is best for Israel.
Bob Wexler will have no comments on this poll.

support John McCain.
-- 46% of Democrats have crossed
party lines to vote McCain.
I keep telling you all that Republican candidate John Sidney McCain would win a much higher percentage of the votes of American citizens who live in Israel than any of the polls were showing. I was right.
The exit polls show a very strong preference for John McCain over Barack Obama. The polls, carried out and analyzed by Keevoon, a Jerusalem-based research, strategy and communications firm, indicate that 76% of the polled voters in Israel said they voted for Republican candidate John McCain; 24% said they cast their ballot in favor the Democrat, Barack Obama. The information is based on data collected from 817 absentee voters at several voting events in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv as well as an online survey.
And I was right about the reasons too.
A few interesting figures about the voters:
A clear correlation was noted between religious observance and voting pattern.
Turnout among young voters ages 18 to 34 was high (37%)
31% were first-time voters
25% have lived in Israel for more than 15 years, 33% less than one year
52% are also Israeli citizens
Half are either independent or not registered with either party
46% of Democrats crossed party lines to vote for McCain.
Only 2% of Republicans voted for Obama. And
57% listed foreign policy (including Israel) as the most important factor in their consideration; 14% listed the economy; 7%, Iran; and 6%, the war in Iraq/terrorism.
Nearly two-thirds were 'very concerned' with Iran; 93% agreed that a nuclear Iran would be a threat to the U.S.
Perhaps most interesting is that McCain is viewed as more capable of handling challenges, even among Obama voters.
Someone please get these figures to all those misguided American Jews who think Barack Hussein Obama is best for Israel.
Bob Wexler will have no comments on this poll.
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
The State of Israel
ACORN affiliate staffer links donor list to Obama

Fired ACORN affiliate staffer
links donor list to Obama
By Brad Bumsted
HARRISBURG -- A fired staffer for an affiliate of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now testified Wednesday the organization was provided a "donor list" from the presidential campaign of Barack Obama in late 2007 for fundraising efforts.
Anita Moncrief, a former Washington staffer for Project Vote, which she described as a sister organization of the community activist group ACORN, said her supervisor told her the list of campaign contributors came from the Obama campaign
Moncrief said she has a copy of a "development plan" that outlines how Obama contributors who had "maxed out" under federal contribution limits would be targeted to give to Project Vote, and that it was her job to identify such contributors.
Moncrief testified for more than two hours in a Commonwealth Court hearing on a lawsuit brought by the state Republican Party, alleging voter fraud by ACORN in Philadelphia, Allegheny, Delaware and Dauphin counties.
The action mirrors efforts by GOP presidential nominee John McCain and national Republicans to discredit ACORN and attempt to tie Obama to the group.
The state lawsuit against ACORN, its affiliates and Secretary of the Commonwealth Pedro Cortes asks the court for a preliminary injunction. GOP lawyers want the court to force ACORN to make its voter database available and to require voter education efforts. They want the Department of State to make its voter registration database more readily available to counties, something a Department of State lawyer said Pennsylvania does.
The Obama campaign said it wasn't involved in ACORN registration drives.
"Our campaign has not coordinated with ACORN whatsoever on any voter registration activities," said Obama spokesman Sean Smith.
The McCain campaign later in a statement used Moncrief's testimony to criticize Obama. Her statement "proves Barack Obama is guilty of lying to the American people about his relationship with ACORN," the campaign said.
An Obama campaign spokeswoman last week said the campaign has "no ties" to ACORN.
Project Vote national spokesman Michael McDunnah denied the donor list came from Obama's campaign, according to The Associated Press. Donor lists for candidates are public information and can be downloaded from the Federal Election Commission's Web site. The lists include how much individuals have given.
But Heather Heidelbaugh, a Pittsburgh lawyer representing state Republicans, said the computer disk she submitted to the court as evidence did not come from FEC documents.
"It's not an FEC document. I looked at the spreadsheet," Heidelbaugh said.
ACORN officials said Moncrief is not a credible witness. "Moncrief has no idea what she's talking about," said Pennsylvania ACORN spokeswoman Ali Kronley.
Moncrief acknowledged she was fired in January from Project Vote for running up more than $3,000 in personal expenses on a credit card. She said she has paid half the money back, and "I am really sorry."
Moncrief testified that ACORN and Project Vote were virtually identical. Under cross-examination, she conceded she had no personal knowledge of how Pennsylvania ACORN workers registered voters.
Moncrief, 29, who lives in Virginia, said she took a call from an Obama campaign worker inquiring whether it was the same organization Obama worked with in the 1990s.
Moncrief said she received repeated warnings to "back off" from testifying by people she knows at ACORN.
"I thought it was powerful testimony. She took a great personal risk," said Heidelbaugh.
Carol Hemmingway of Philadelphia, another ACORN spokeswoman, said the group sets aside problematic voter registration forms and turns them over to authorities. She called the lawsuit "an attempt to suppress voters."
Hemmingway said Moncrief was not part of "senior management" at ACORN and can't speak for them.
Moncrief said she does not have a vendetta against ACORN. "I do not think it is a bad organization," she said.
Moncrief said she came forward and contacted Heidelbaugh because she believes vote canvassers were not trained and then were "thrown under the bus" -- facing possible criminal prosecution -- for fraudulent registrations. She said that workers needed to meet quotas for voter registrations and that some were fired for not meeting them.
"The (voter) cards are tied to money. The more cards you get, the more money you get," Moncrief said.
ACORN officials denied that, saying in Pennsylvania canvassers are paid by the hour. They insisted the workers are trained.
Kira Gardner-Marshall, who oversees quality control for ACORN in Philadelphia, said in 2007-08 the organization fired 220 employees for voter fraud there. There were 1,100 voter registration canvassers statewide, but none of the ACORN spokeswomen attending the hearing could say how many were in Philadelphia.
Brad Bumsted can be reached at bbumsted@tribweb.com or 717-787-1405
HOO-ah: To Vets for Freedom - Dear Representative John Murtha
A Hoor-ah Hat Tip to Vets for Freedom
Dear Representative John Murtha,
In May 2006, you accused a group of United States Marines of killing “innocent civilians in cold blood”. You made these allegations during an ongoing investigation. In fact, a Marine Corps spokesman said that you made your statement a week before you had even been briefed.
You continued to accuse these eight Marines of "cold-blooded murder and war crimes”, even after the Marine Corps itself said your comments on the matter “would be inappropriate and could undermine the investigatory and possible legal process.”
As a result of the investigation, the charges were dropped against 7 of the 8 Marines and the other Marine is awaiting his day in court.
However, you have not withdrawn your statements or apologized for your defamatory remarks.
Marines implicated in the incident believe that you have committed slander and libel against them. These United States Marines, whose honor you have attacked, deserve to hear an apology from you.
We, the undersigned, implore you, Representative Murtha, as a man who serves the public in Congress, as a man who once served in the Marine Corps, to do the honorable thing.
You must apologize.
* Pete Hegseth, Vets for Freedom
* Erick Erickson, Red State
* Paul Mirengoff, Powerline
* Marc Danziger, Winds of Change
* Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit
* Roger L. Simon, Pajamas Media
* Ed Morrissey, Hot Air
* Alex Charyna, PA Watercooler
* Eric Odom, Conservablogs
* Michael Illions, Conservatives with Attitude
* Scott W. Graves, Red County
And as a Vet, You can add my name to this John Angier, Okie Campaigns

Dear Representative John Murtha,
In May 2006, you accused a group of United States Marines of killing “innocent civilians in cold blood”. You made these allegations during an ongoing investigation. In fact, a Marine Corps spokesman said that you made your statement a week before you had even been briefed.
You continued to accuse these eight Marines of "cold-blooded murder and war crimes”, even after the Marine Corps itself said your comments on the matter “would be inappropriate and could undermine the investigatory and possible legal process.”
As a result of the investigation, the charges were dropped against 7 of the 8 Marines and the other Marine is awaiting his day in court.
However, you have not withdrawn your statements or apologized for your defamatory remarks.
Marines implicated in the incident believe that you have committed slander and libel against them. These United States Marines, whose honor you have attacked, deserve to hear an apology from you.
We, the undersigned, implore you, Representative Murtha, as a man who serves the public in Congress, as a man who once served in the Marine Corps, to do the honorable thing.
You must apologize.
* Pete Hegseth, Vets for Freedom
* Erick Erickson, Red State
* Paul Mirengoff, Powerline
* Marc Danziger, Winds of Change
* Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit
* Roger L. Simon, Pajamas Media
* Ed Morrissey, Hot Air
* Alex Charyna, PA Watercooler
* Eric Odom, Conservablogs
* Michael Illions, Conservatives with Attitude
* Scott W. Graves, Red County
And as a Vet, You can add my name to this John Angier, Okie Campaigns
John Murtha,
Marine Corps,
U.S. Marine Corps,
Vets for Freedom
You know MSNBC is out to LUNCH if Linda Bloodworth-Thomason is TRASHING them LOL

Now that FUNNY !
The cable news channel is "completely out of control," said writer-producer Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, a self-proclaimed liberal Democrat.
She added that she would prefer a lunch date with right-leaning Fox News star Sean Hannity over left-leaning MSNBC star Keith Olbermann.
Olbermann was criticized by many who attended Monday's luncheon sponsored by the Caucus for Producers, Writers & Directors at the Beverly Hills Hotel. The event was dubbed "Hollywood, America and Election '08."
Bloodworth-Thomason and others seemed especially critical of the way MSNBC -- and other media -- has attacked Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin while demeaning her supporters.
"We should stop the demonizing," she said, adding that Democrats have been worse than Republicans as far as personal attacks on candidates are concerned. "It diminishes us," she said of her fellow Democrats. She stressed, though, that it's Palin's small-town American roots she wishes to defend and not her politics or policies.
Bloodworth-Thomason even suggested a defense of Palin and her supporters should be written into TV programming, just as she went out of her way to portray Southern women as smart in her hit TV show "Designing Women."
Attendee Michael Reagan, the radio talk-show host and son of President Ronald Reagan, said he no longer will appear as a guest on MSNBC because "I actually get death threats."
"I'll stop sending them," joked Larry Gelbart, the writer, producer and director best known for the "M*A*S*H" television series and such movie screenplays as "Tootsie" and "Oh, God!"
Pollster Frank Luntz, a regular guest on the Fox News, joked that MSNBC is "the only network with more letters in its name than viewers."
On a more serious note, Luntz said it's a problem that the electorate chooses to watch news programs not for information but to confirm already-held beliefs, and that applies to viewers of CNN and Fox News as well.
Luntz predicted a Barack Obama victory and said that one of the many reasons the Democrats have been more effective with their message is because, while Republicans dominate talk radio, Democrats have begun to dominate the Internet.
"I'd rather have the Internet," he said.
Obama also gets credit because he's a better communicator than past Democrats, Luntz said, comparing the previous Democratic presidential nominee, John Kerry, to one of those trees that threw apples at Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz."
Actress Patricia Heaton noted that Hollywood workers too often just assume everyone they work with is a like-minded liberal. When those around her belittle John McCain or Palin, she politely reminds them that she's a Republican.
"That's what you have to do in our town," she said.
Actor Beau Bridges lamented that there is "too much entertainment" in elections nowadays. "Just put 'em in a room -- like we are now -- and let 'em talk about the issues," he said.
Some of the most spirited debate came from the panel's moderator, outspoken conservative Lionel Chetwynd. The writer, director and producer passionately defended the Iraq War and Palin, whom he called "the ideal Jeffersonian political figure."
Chetwynd's performance prompted Gelbart to joke that Chetwynd was the most "immoderate moderator" he had ever seen.
"It's a liberal organization," Chetwynd said of the Caucus. "But I'm trying."
Frank Luntz,
Linda Keith Olbermann,
Michael Reagan,
Sarah Palin
Hat Tip to my Buddy Lonnie @ ConservativeVoice
WFTV Channel 9's Barbara West puts Joe Biden on the hot seat over ACORN, voter fraud, and Barack Obama's "Spread the wealth" comments

Barbara West,
John McCain,
Sarah Palin
Obama's Mansion, Saddam's Money

Obama's Mansion, Saddam's Money
by Daniel Pipes
Philadelphia Bulletin
October 29, 2008
Barack Obama appears to have personally benefited from funds originating in Saddam Hussein's regime. It's a complicated connection, but one that deserves the consideration of Americans voters.
Two similar figures, Nadhmi Auchi and Antoin S. "Tony" Rezko, served as

Nadhmi Auchi (left) with
Illinois' governor,
Rod Blagojevich, in 2004.
Auchi, born in 1937, is the more successful. When young, he joined Saddam in the Baath Party. He founded his main financial instrument, the General Mediterranean Holding SA in 1979 – revealingly, while still in Iraq. A year later, he emigrated to the United Kingdom. GMHSA now describes itself as a diverse group of 120 companies with consolidated assets of over US$4.2 billion. The Sunday Times (London) recently estimated Auchi's personal wealth at £2.15 billion, making him the 27th richest person in Britain. He garnered many honors along the way.
On the dark side, a French court in 2003 convicted Auchi of taking kickbacks in the Elf Affair and handed down a suspended jail sentence and fine. One analyst, Hector Igbikiowubo, calls this "probably the biggest political and corporate sleaze scandal to hit a western democracy since World War II." Also in 2003, one of Auchi's firms was accused of taking part in a price-fixing cartel of prescription medicines.
In 2004, a report by the Pentagon's International Armament and Technology Trade Directorate found "significant and credible evidence" that Auchi organized a conspiracy to offer bribes to win mobile telephone licenses in Iraq. He was barred from entering the United States in 2005.
Rezko, born in 1955, arrived in the United States in 1974 to study civil

Tony Rezko (left) with
Illinois' junior senator,
Barack Obama.
Rezko too has extensive legal problems, starting with a June 2008 conviction on sixteen counts of taking kickbacks from companies wanting to do business with the State of Illinois. He also stands accused of evading Las Vegas gambling debts and using false information in the sale of his pizza businesses. In contrast to Auchi's wealth, Rezko is said to be over $50 million in debt.
In three steps, these corrupt businessmen tie the Democratic Party presidential candidate to the executed Iraqi tyrant:
Saddam Hussein made use of Auchi: Auchi's fortune largely grew through his Iraq government connection, much of it sub rosa. In the 1980s, he procured Italian military ships.
By 1993, the Italian banker Pierfrancesco Pacini Battaglia testified about Auchi bribing Iraqi officials for an Italian engineering company and called Auchi "one of the most important intermediaries in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries."
Auchi is also a major shareholder in BNP Paribas, the French bank deeply implicated in the U.N.'s corrupt Iraq oil-for-food program.
Auchi made use of Rezko: Rezko lobbied for Auchi to be allowed into the United States. A wholly-owned GMHSA subsidiary, Fintrade Services Inc., transferred a loan of $3.5 million on May 23, 2005 to Rezko.
Rezko cultivated Obama: Rezko offered Barack Obama a job in 1990, which Obama declined. Still, Rezko persisted, hiring him for legal work and hosting in 2003 an early fundraiser that, writes David Mendell in Obama: From Promise to Power, proved "instrumental in providing Obama with seed money" for his nascent U.S. Senate campaign. Then, on June 15, 2005, just twenty-three days after receiving Auchi's $3.5 million, Rezko partnered with Obama in a real estate deal: while Rezko's wife paid the full asking price, $625,000, for an empty adjoining lot which they then improved, subdivided, and partially sold to Obama, Obama acquired a mansion for $1.65 million, $300,000 under the asking price.
Summing up: Barack Obama's house purchase depended on favors from Rezko, flush with a "loan" from Auchi, whose fortune derived in part from Saddam Hussein's favor.
When seen in the context of Obama's other dubious connections (Ayers, Davidson, Wright, Khalidi, et al.), this network is all the more alarming.
Oct. 29, 2008 update: WorldNetDaily.com has published an unsigned article, "Did Saddam bagman help Obama purchase mansion? Photo confirms Rezko financier in bed with late Iraqi tyrant," that asserts many new points salient to the Barack Obama-Saddam Hussein connection. Concerning Auchi, it asserts that:
Auchi and Saddam Hussein were cousins.
Auchi joined Saddam Hussein's regime as an official in the Ministry of Oil in 1967.
Auchi began bankrolling Rezko's real estate deals in the 1980s.
The 2004 Pentagon report quoted in my article also: (1) Called Auchi someone "who behind the facade of legitimate business, served as Saddam Hussein's principle international financial manipulator and bag man." (2) Stated that "significant and credible evidence has been developed that Nadhmi Auchi has engaged in unlawful activities," such as bribing "foreign governments and individuals prior to Operation Iraqi Freedom to turn opinion against the American-led mission to remove Saddam Hussein." (3) Accused him of helping to "arrange for significant theft from the U.N. Oil-for-Food Program to smuggle weapons and dual-use technology into Iraq."
Concerning Rezko:
Rezko personally toured with Obama the house that Obama bought and

In 2005, at the time of his empty lot purchase, Rezko was "virtually bankrupt."
Obama attended two events hosted by Rezko honoring Auchi in 2004, one at the Four Seasons Hotel and another at Rezko's house; Michelle Obama also attended the latter occasion.
The Obama mansion in the
The Obama mansion in the
Kenwood district of Chicago.
Comment: These additional pieces of information significantly confirm my conclusion that Obama "personally benefited from funds originating in Saddam Hussein's regime."
Antoin S. "Tony" Rezko,
Barack Obama,
Nadhmi Auchi,
Rod Blagojevich,
Saddam Hussein,
Tony Rezko
American Minute - Oct. 30 - John Adams, 2nd U.S. President
John Adams was born OCTOBER 30, 1735.
A Harvard graduate, he was admitted to the bar and married Abigail Smith in 1764.
In the Continental Congress, John Adams recommended Thomas Jefferson pen the Declaration and George Washington be Commander-in-Chief.
John Adams authored Massachusetts' 1780 Constitution and was U.S. Minister to France, signing the Treaty of Paris that ended the Revolutionary War.
While U.S. Minister to Britain, John Adams helped ratify the Constitution by writing a three volume work: Defense of the Constitution of the Government of the United States.
John Adams was the first Vice-President, serving under George Washington, and in 1797 was elected the 2nd U.S. President.
He established the Library of Congress and the Department of Navy.
His son, John Quincy, became 6th President.
In 1819, John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson:
"Have you ever found in history, one single example of a Nation thoroughly corrupted that was afterwards restored to virtue?...
And without virtue, there can be no political liberty."
John Adams continued:
"Will you tell me how to prevent luxury from producing effeminacy, intoxication, extravagance, vice and folly?...
I believe no effort in favour of virtue is lost."
American Minute - Oct 29 - Stock Market Crash, 1929
OCTOBER 29, 1929, the New York Stock Exchange crashed. Panic ensued as Wall Street sold 16,410,030 shares in a single day.
Billions of dollars were lost and America plunged into the Great Depression.
In a drive to aid private relief agencies, October 18, 1931, President Herbert Hoover stated:
"Time and again the American people have demonstrated a spiritual quality of generosity...
This is the occasion when we must arouse that idealism, that spirit, from which there can be no failure in this primary obligation of every man to his neighbor."
Herbert Hoover continued:
"Our country and the world are today involved in more than a financial crisis.
We are faced with the primary question of human relations, which reaches to the very depths of organized society and to the very depths of human conscience...
This great complex, which we call American life, is builded and can alone survive upon the translation into individual action of that fundamental philosophy announced by the Savior nineteen centuries ago."
Hoover concluded:
"Part of our national suffering today is from failure to observe these primary yet inexorable laws of human relationship...
Modern society can not survive with the defense of Cain, 'Am I my brother's keeper?'"
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
BTW: He is Voting For Mccain / Palin, This guy get it !

I have seen a half-dozen slicky produced Hollywood, star-studded Oh!-Oh!-OH!-OBAMA! viral videos and not one rises above cringe-worthy, but along comes this guy in his basement who wins you over in the first moments and never lets go.
LOL: Snow blankets London forGlobal Warming debate
Snow fell as the House of Commons debated Global Warming yesterday - the first October fall in the metropolis since 1922. The Mother of Parliaments was discussing the Mother of All Bills for the last time, in a marathon six hour session.
In order to combat a projected two degree centigrade rise in global temperature, the Climate Change Bill pledges the UK to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 80 per cent by 2050. The bill was receiving a third reading, which means both the last chance for both democratic scrutiny and consent.
The bill creates an enormous bureaucratic apparatus for monitoring and reporting, which was expanded at the last minute. Amendments by the Government threw emissions from shipping and aviation into the monitoring program, and also included a revision of the Companies Act (c. 46) "requiring the directors’ report of a company to contain such information as may be specified in the regulations about emissions of greenhouse gases from activities for which the company is responsible" by 2012.
Recently the American media has begun to notice the odd incongruity of saturation media coverage here which insists that global warming is both man-made and urgent, and a British public which increasingly doubts either to be true. 60 per cent of the British population now doubt the influence of humans on climate change, and more people than not think Global Warming won't be as bad "as people say".
Both figures are higher than a year ago - and the poll was taken before the non-summer of 2008, and the (latest) credit crisis.
Yet anyone looking for elected representatives to articulate these concerns will have been disappointed. Instead, representatives had a higher purpose - demonstrating their virtue. And for the first 90 minutes of the marathon debate, the new nobility outdid each other with calls for tougher pledges, or stricter monitoring. Gestures are easy, so no wonder MPs like making them so much.
It was all deeply sanctimonious, but no one pointed out that Europe's appetite for setting targets that hurt the economy has evaporated in recent weeks - so it's a gesture few countries will feel compelled to imitate.
The US Senate has Senator James Inhofe, but in the Commons, there wasn't an out-and-out sceptic to be found. It was 90 minutes before anyone broke the liturgy of virtue. When Peter Lilley, in amazement, asked why there hadn't been a cost/benefit analysis made of such a major change in policy, he was told to shut up by the Deputy Speaker.
(And even Lilley - one of only five out of 653 MPs to vote against the Climate Bill in its second reading - felt it necessary to pledge his allegiance to the Precautionary Principle.)
It fell to a paid-up member of Greenpeace, the Labour MP Rob Marris, to point out the Bill was a piece of political showboating that would fail. While professing himself a believer in the theory that human activity is primarily the cause of global warming, he left plenty of room for doubt - far more than most members. The legislation was doomed, Marris said.
Marris had previously supported the 60 per cent target but thought that 80 per cent, once it included shipping and aviation, wouldn't work. We could have a higher target, or include shipping and aviation, but not both.
He compared it to asking someone to run 100m in 14 seconds - which they might consider something to train for. Asking someone to run it in ten seconds just meant people would dismiss the target.
"The public will ask 'why should we bother doing anything at all?'"
Out of bounds
The closest thing to a British Inhofe is Ulsterman Sammy Wilson, Democratic Unionist Party, who'd wanted a "reasoned debate" on global warming, rather than bullying, and recently called environmentalism a "hysterical psuedo-religion". Wilson described the Climate Bill as a disaster, but even colleagues who disagree with his views of environmentalism are wary of the latest amendments.
The Irish Republic is likely to reap big economic gains if it doesn't penalise its own transport sector as fiercely as the UK pledges to penalise its own in the bill. Most Ulster MPs were keenly aware of the costs, and how quickly the ports and airports could close, when a cheaper alternative lies a few miles away over the border.
Tory barrister Christopher Chope professed himself baffled by the logic of including aviation and shipping. If transportation was made more expensive, how could there be more trade?
"As we destroy industry we'll be more dependent on shipping and aviation for our imports!" he said.
"When the history books come to be written people will ask why were the only five MPs... who voted against this ludicrous bill," he said. It would tie Britain up in knots for years, all for a futile gesture, Chope thought.
However, Tim Yeo, the perma-suntanned Tory backbencher who wants us to carry carbon rationing cards, said it would "improve Britain's competitiveness". He didn't say how.
Global Warming,
House of Commons,
James Inhofe,
Jim Inhofe,
Sammy Wilson,
Biden Bans Philly Station
Barack Obama,
CBS 3,
Joe Biden,
Palestinian in Gaza Campaigning for Barack Obama

(IsraelNN.com) A Palestinian Authority newspaper reported on Sunday that Arab residents of Gaza are randomly calling Americans at home in hopes of persuading them to vote for Democratic candidate Senator Barack Obama in next month's US presidential election.
The article in Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, first noted and translated by Palestinian Media Watch, quotes a young man from the Hamas-controlled Gaza region as saying, "We dial random numbers and try to call people [in the United States] without knowing their identity or their affiliation...." He reportedly uses "Internet sites that allow making free calls... in order to use them for the campaign supporting Obama."
The Al-Hayat Al-Jadida article said, "Most of the Palestinians feel hatred towards USA, whose administrations have always stood by Israel...." The Gaza-based Obama campaigner, Ibrahim Abu Jayyab, "said that a large number of Palestinians dislike their activity..." Those PA residents "do not see any difference between the American politicians [Obama and Republican candidate Sen. John McCain] because of the hostility that they feel towards America," the report explained.
"But [Abu Jayyab's] hope is that their activity will have some impact [in support of Obama]," according to the newspaper report.
Previous Support From Gaza
Abu Jayyab's freelance phone campaign for Obama in the last weeks of the American presidential race has not been the first time the Illinois senator has gotten such help. An Al-Jazeera TV report during the Democratic primaries featured Abu Jayyab as well, when he was busy organizing calls to American voters to persuade them to vote for Obama over then-candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton.
Other types of assistance have also been forthcoming from Gaza. In July of this year, Pamela Geller of the Atlas Shrugs blog revealed documents purporting to show that the Obama campaign received nearly $30,000 from two brothers living in Rafiah, in Hamas-controlled Gaza, during 2007.
Earlier, during an April 2008 interview with WABC radio and WorldNetDaily, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh's Gaza-based political advisor Ahmed Yousef said, "Actually, we like Mr. Obama. We hope he will [win] the election and I do believe he is like John Kennedy, great man with great principle."
At the time, McCain commented, "I think it is very clear... why [Hamas] would not want me to be president of the United States, so if Senator Obama is favored by Hamas, I think people can make judgments accordingly."
Obama campaign spokespeople excoriated McCain and noted repeatedly that Obama has called Hamas a terrorist organization worthy of condemnation. In an interview with The Atlantic shortly thereafter, Obama warned people in the Middle East who were enthusiastic over his candidacy not to be "confused about my unyielding support for Israel's security."
Barack Obama,
Palestinian Authority
Obama and Wright: He Never Complained Once
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
ACORN Owes Millions in Taxes

ACORN Owes Millions in Taxes

An intrepid researcher has discovered more than 200 tax liens totaling more than $3.7 million have been filed by the government against the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now for unpaid taxes since the late eighties.
A tax lien is issued when a person or organization fails to pay taxes and that tax debt is considered seriously delinquent. A lien is only issued after the government makes several unsuccessful attempts to collect the debt.
The conservative-leaning Capital Research Center’s Matthew Vadum found a staggering number of liens listed against ACORN’s national headquarters at 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue in New Orleans, Louisiana while conducting an exhaustive investigation of ACORN's history and current activities.
“I took that address and plugged it into Nexis and did a public records search for tax liens,” Vadum said. “At least 230 tax liens corresponded to ACORN’s address and they were all from ACORN’s shadowy network of affiliates.”
The liens filed against ACORN and their associated groups come from the Internal Revenue Service and government officials in fifteen different states.
75 of the 230 tax liens appear to have been “released,” meaning the full debt was paid or a negotiated payment was made for the debt. The rest are outstanding.
The "shadowy network" Vadum mentioned are the hundreds of ACORN offshoots housed at ACORN's official 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue address, such as Project Vote, ACORN Institute Inc., ACORN Housing Inc. Inc and Wal-Mart Alliance for Reform Now (WARN). One of those organizations is Citizens Consulting, Inc, which was paid nearly $800,000 by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s campaign to conduct get-out-the-vote activities during the Democratic primary.
While CSI raked in cash from the Obama campaign the IRS was preparing nearly a million in liens against ACORN. The IRS filed a lien on ACORN for $306,407 on March 6, 2008. A different lien was filed for $547,312 against ACORN on March 10, 2008 and another was filed on March 14 for $132,997.
Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R.-Ohio)and other Republicans have called on Congress to strip ACORN of their federal funding, which has received at least $31 million in various grants since 1998, because of ACORN's role in rampant vote registration fraud across the nation, but Democrats have not expressed any interest in doing this.
“ACORN is a relentless crusader for social programs and government wealth redistribution schemes and the fact they can’t be bothered to pay taxes speaks volumes about the integrity of the organization,” Vadum said.
Vadum recently published his report about ACORN and it is available HERE.
ACORN Fraud,
Cracking ACORN,
tax liens,
Boren Try to KICK Dr. David Deming out of OU

Dr. Deming’s Senate December 6, 2006 testimony is available here. University President Boren is a “staunch supporter of Obama”. One Fascist supports another, I guess...
Press release from Dr. David Deming [profdeming@earthlink.net] below.
For ten years or more, professor David Deming has taught a course in environmental geology at the University of Oklahoma. In October 2008, he was informed that the “general education” certification for his course was being revoked. Under the University of Oklahoma system, this means that student enrollment in the course is likely to drop by two-thirds.
This is a course which receives outstanding student evaluations. Professor Deming is well-known to be a global-warming skeptic. In 2006, he testified before the US Senate that media coverage of global warming had descended into “irrational hysteria.”
See here
Professor Deming is unaware of any other case in the history of the University of Oklahoma where the “gen ed” certification for a course has been revoked. It would appear possible that professor Deming’s position on global warming was a motivating factor. But in this case, the tragedy is that the people being punished are the students, not the professor. Those who wish to express their concern can do so by writing or calling University of Oklahoma President David Boren.
David Boren, President
University of Oklahoma
110 Evans Hall
Norman, OK 73019
telephone: 405-325-3916
email: dboren@ou.edu
David Boren,
David Deming,
David L. Boren,
University of Oklahoma
He talk to a Plumber
Barack Obama,
Glenn Beck,
Joe Biden,
Joe The Plumber,
Joe Wurzelbacher,
John McCain,
Tax Credit Plan
American Minute - Oct. 28 - Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty was dedicated OCTOBER 28, 1886.
A gift from France, it was built by Gustave Eiffel, builder of the Eiffel Tower, and designed by Auguste Bartholdi, who wrote:
"The statue was born for this place which inspired its conception.
May God be pleased to bless my efforts and my work, and to crown it with success, the duration and the moral influence which it ought to have."
On its 50th Anniversary, OCTOBER 28, 1936, Franklin D. Roosevelt stated:
"The Almighty...did prepare this American continent to be a place of the second chance...
Millions have...found...freedom of opportunity, freedom of thought, freedom to worship God."
Dwight Eisenhower remarked April 8, 1954:
"I have just come from...the dedication of a new stamp...
The stamp has on it a picture of the Statue of Liberty and 'In God We Trust'...
It represents...a Nation whose greatness is based on a firm unshakeable belief that all of us mere mortals are dependent upon the mercy of a Superior Being."
Relighting the Statue of Liberty, July 3, 1986, Ronald Reagan said:
"I've always thought...that God had His reasons for placing this land here between two great oceans to be found by a certain kind of people."
Hoo-ah: Hunting the Jackal Author Writes Again!

You can read more about him on their website at http://www.sfa9.org/.
You need harbor no doubts that he's a man worth reading about.

Billy is one of those honest-to-God no-shit genuine larger than life types that most of us only get to read about.
Billy's the guy that wrote Hunting the Jackal ; you know, the one with the forward he wrote on his seventieth birthday on the side of a mountain hunting Muj in Afghanistan. Anyway, Billy's writing a new book. I'll let him tell you about it...
"In the meantime I would invite you and your friends to visit the world-wide-web, at the address shown below, to view the Home Page for

The book covers his interment in the border area of Cambodia/Vietnam, where he, and three other Special Forces men, were chained and caged for a period of 21 months, before Isaac Camacho managed to escape his cage, and make his way to freedom, with the North Vietnamese and a dog searching team, very close on his tail.

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