You can read more about him on their website at http://www.sfa9.org/.
You need harbor no doubts that he's a man worth reading about.

Billy is one of those honest-to-God no-shit genuine larger than life types that most of us only get to read about.
Billy's the guy that wrote Hunting the Jackal ; you know, the one with the forward he wrote on his seventieth birthday on the side of a mountain hunting Muj in Afghanistan. Anyway, Billy's writing a new book. I'll let him tell you about it...
"In the meantime I would invite you and your friends to visit the world-wide-web, at the address shown below, to view the Home Page for

The book covers his interment in the border area of Cambodia/Vietnam, where he, and three other Special Forces men, were chained and caged for a period of 21 months, before Isaac Camacho managed to escape his cage, and make his way to freedom, with the North Vietnamese and a dog searching team, very close on his tail.

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