Kern noted that radical homosexual rights groups have planned a "Clock In for Equality" day on May 15 to mobilize people to promote new government regulation of the workplace that will provide special rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals.
"Those of us who believe in preserving traditional marriage and upholding Judeo-Christian values cannot afford to simply stand on the sideline," said Kern, R-Oklahoma City. "The groups committed to undermining those ideals remain active and if we do nothing, they win by default."
The May 15 event is spearheaded by Lambda Legal, a national organization "committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and those with HIV through impact litigation, education and public policy work," according to the group's Web site.
"Lambda Legal makes clear that they will use harassment lawsuits and intrusive regulations to punish people who do not agree with their agenda or the lifestyle of their members," Kern said. "If Oklahomans fail to oppose this agenda, they will grant control of their businesses and schools to radical, out-of-state groups."
Lambda Legal is working to enact federal law that expressly forbids discrimination on the basis of homosexuality ("sexual orientation") and transsexuality/cross-dressing ("gender identity"). The group is also working to win passage of similar laws at the state level.
The workplace initiative follows an April 25 "Day of Silence" event in public schools that activists used to promote the homosexual lifestyle to impressionable teens.
"We would not allow outside groups to promote alcohol or drug abuse to children in our schools, but groups promoting an equally unhealthy and unsafe lifestyle are allowed to promote a homosexual agenda," Kern said, noting a CDC report that found that in 2005, "men who have sex with men" (MSM) "still accounted for about 53 percent of all new HIV/AIDS cases and 71 percent of cases in male adults and adolescents." (http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/msm/)
"We cannot afford to ignore these activities or we will soon see the regulatory power of the state turned against people of faith," Kern said.
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