Pawlenty: State can't implement
REAL I.D. until June, 2009
REAL I.D. until June, 2009
Gov. Pawlenty vetoed a bill on Friday that would forbid the state from implementing the REAL I.D. act unless certain conditions are met. He did, however, issue an executive order saying the "Commissioner of Public Safety may not implement the federal REAL I.D. Act before June 1, 2009 unless implementation is authorized by the Legislature."
Here's the link to the Executive Order.
Here's his release:
Saint Paul - On Friday, Governor Pawlenty vetoed Chapter 334, House File 3807, an act that would permanently prohibit Minnesota from participating in or planning for the federal REAL I.D. program. REAL I.D. was a recommendation of the 9/11 Commission passed by Congress to create uniform standards for state identification cards.
Today, Governor Pawlenty signed Executive Order 08-08 which states that Minnesota will not implement REAL I.D. unless authorized by the legislature. The following is a statement from Governor Tim Pawlenty regarding his executive order.
"Throughout the debate over REAL I.D. I've made it clear I share many of the concerns raised regarding federal funding, privacy, state control and other issues. Opponents have also raised important constitutional questions that should be considered.
"This will give us an opportunity to work with our federal partners and state legislators to resolve the valid concerns regarding this program."
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