Americans for Prosperity for their Hot Air Tour

AFP "Hot Air" Tour:
The Economic Impact of Global Warming
AFP "Hot Air" Tour:
The Economic Impact of Global Warming
The Americans For Prosperity Hot Air Tour is
TODAY in Oklahoma City's.
TODAY in Oklahoma City's.

We'll be discussing the economic impact of the global warming hysteria and all the coming increases in taxes...specifically the Cap & Trade bill.
There's a lot of legislation on its way that will significantly change the way we do business and all in the name of global warming.
Imagine a future where the government controls your home thermostat remotely (a real proposal in California). Where families and businesses will be on the hook to pay for feel-good regulations that do almost nothing. Where you'll be forced to choose between heating your home or a family vacation. Between a full tank of gas or saving for your children's education. Click here to register now.
For more information, please contact Oklahoma Director Stuart Jolly at (405) 514-0514 or and check out our new cost of hot air website:
Bring the family and have some fun! Short rides will be given in the hot air balloon.
TODAY from 5-7 pm at the
Bricktown Ballpark parking lot...
parking is free
Bricktown Ballpark parking lot...
parking is free
What: Free rally and cook-out
When: 5:00 PM; Thursday, May 1
Click here to register now
Where: Bricktown Baseball Ballpark, parking lot

See you there!
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