by Senator Randy Brogdon
February 22, 2008
When drafting bills each legislative session, decisions should be based upon the priorities of Oklahomans. Working to achieve what makes our state better and protects the citizens of Oklahoma is the focus necessary at the State Capitol.
A critical issue we face as a state and a nation is suicide deaths. Last week this issue was addressed when my Senate Bill 2000 was passed out of committee, which expands Oklahoma’s Youth Suicide Prevention Act. Suicide prevention is needed across the entire age spectrum, not just in our youth that have been the main focal point.
In removing the spotlight solely on young people, the revised act would simply be known as the Suicide Prevention Act. To accommodate this new focus, the name Youth Suicide Prevention Council would also be changed to the Oklahoma Suicide Prevention Council.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, suicide is the third leading cause of death for teenagers and young adults. In 2001, Oklahoma created the Youth Suicide Prevention Act with the mission of finding ways to prevent suicide among our young people.

Recently, frightening increases have been discovered in the number of suicides in age groups other than young adults. Nationally, suicide rates increased 20 percent between 1999 and 2004 for people between the ages of 45 and 54. In 2004 alone, the vast majority of suicides occurred in adults between the ages of 40 and 64.
Clearly it is time for us to rethink suicide prevention and focus our attention on more than just teenagers and young adults. In light of these findings, I authored Senate Bill 2000.
The scope of focus has been expanded in this legislation to include all adult age groups to insure we represent citizens across the lifespan. Suicide is devastating regardless of age and ways to prevent such a tragedy must be sought out. With medical attention, we can make a difference and save lives of all ages.
Senate Bill 2000 was approved by the Senate Health and Human Services Committee, and will next be heard by the full Senate. We know through education and medical treatment, we can prevent suicide deaths in our state, and this legislation will help us achieve this goal. I am hopeful my fellow members in the Senate and in the House will act quickly to move this bill to the governor for his approval.
For further assistance, there is a National Suicide Prevention Lifeline available 24 hours a day. The number is 1-800-273-TALK (8255). All calls are confidential.
I am honored to serve you in the in the State Senate and can be reached by writing to Senator Randy Brogdon, Room 416, State Capitol, 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73105, or by calling (405) 521-5566, or email at brogdon@oksenate.gov.
Randy Brogdon
Senate District #34
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