A Okie look at all thing Politics, eCampaign, New Media and Warfare - - - I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. - John Adams
"Labor chief sent to detox in incident” (news story, Feb. 19) tells of state Labor Commissioner Lloyd Fields being suspected of "borrowing” a guitar while possibly being under the influence. "Auditor case moves ahead; State House votes in favor of forming impeachment panel” (news story, Feb. 19) describes our state auditor encountering a little impeachment problem (he's already been indicted) and "State picks up tab for Cargill's mailed apology (Associated Press news story, Feb. 19) is about our former House speaker (who resigned that post) using our tax dollars to send apology letters to his constituents, after he had difficulty remembering to pay his property taxes and file his state income tax returns.
These revelations follow the excellent adventures of Carroll Fisher, Gene Stipe and a few others who've graced the headlines within the past couple of years. It's about time we notified these folks that they work for us and we expect better behavior than we've gotten lately. Oklahomans are honest, decent, hardworking folks. The attributes are apparently in limited supply at the state Capitol.
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