Thursday, September 25, 2008


Hat Tip to my friend Wyatt @ wyattmcintyre,
Happy to see you back !
America was founded as more than just a nation, it was founded as more than just a country, but rather as a great experiment in freedom.

Freedom is more than a word, it is a faith by which we place our trust in. We can not see it, nor can we touch it, and yet we feel it in our lives guiding our path. Though this is not our God or our Religion it is rightly the Divine hand of providence guiding us to a better, stronger course within the legacy of liberty that has been handed down to us.

There, each and every step of the way we must hear the voices of those who came before us asking, what have we done... What have we done to advance the cause of freedom? What have we done to preserve the rights of people? If we do nothing then the reality is that all the greatest ideas and ideals are meaningless, words spoken or written but nothing more than a historical perspective of a bygone era that no longer holds any degree of meaning in our lives.

Is that the fate of this great gift given to us? Is that a fate become of the faith of our forebearers?

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