Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Colorado Democracy Alliance - Exposed Part 1

Hat Tip to Brad @ Face The State


Face The State Staff Report

Documents obtained by Face The State provide new insight into the secretive organization behind Colorado Democrats' historic takeover of state government in 2006. The Colorado Democracy Alliance, a membership organization that steers millions of dollars toward "progressive" organizations, brings together the state's most influential liberal politicians, consultants and fundraisers under a single umbrella.

In a week-long series, FTS is making public for the first time internal documents outlining CoDA's structure, financing and deep connections with Colorado's top Democrats.

Today in the Face The State Reading Room:
A "confidential" CoDA document outlines the organization's financial structure (PDF), including a three-tiered membership dues schedule in which organizational members such as the Colorado Education Association commit a minimum of $400,000 annually toward far-left politics (PDF). CoDA's stated "core functions" include bringing together major liberal donors and shaping "short- and medium-term electoral and policy goals."

While CoDA is a "taxable non-profit organization and is not aligned with any political party," documents obtained by FTS show no sign of any support for non-Democrat politicians or candidates.

Alliance membership brings with it the expectation of major support for political organizations including "strategic C3's, C4's and non-federal 527's," the three most common tax classifications for political advocacy groups. Donations are also to be made directly to "targeted state legislative and statewide candidates" as well as "all Colorado federal races in the current cycle."

CoDA is also designed to oversee infrastructure supported by its members. A list of services provided by the Alliance includes "assist[ing] in the coordination of the activities of progressive organizations."

A list of funding recommendations for CoDA members (PDF) includes a number of entrenched liberal campaign organizations including MainStreet Colorado, state House Democrats' 527, as well as Moving Colorado Forward, a similar group for Senate Democrats. Donors were also encouraged to give directly to the gubernatorial campaign of then-Denver DA Bill Ritter and a variety of 527 organizations backing the his election.

Donors are also encouraged to give to including the Colorado Progressive Coalition, which "works in low-come (sic)" areas and the Voter Information and Registration Project targeting African-Americans.

An undated roster (PDF) includes well-known members of the "Gang of Four," a group of well-heeled multi-millionaires responsible for funding much of Colorado's liberal infrastructure. The list includes a relative newcomer to Colorado politics, Tom Congdon, who has directed much of his profits from oil and gas investments into "progressive" causes. Pat Stryker, the Fort Collins heiress to the Stryker medical devices fortune and a member of the "Gang of Four," is the signatory to a draft of a fundraising letter to Alliance members (PDF).

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