Thursday, January 3, 2008

Defending America's Sovereignty seminar

Just a reminder about the very important Defending
America's Sovereignty seminar to be held on
Saturday, January 19, in the Hardeman Auditorium
on the campus of Oklahoma Christian University,
2501 East Memorial Road in OKC. The seminar is
being sponsored by Oklahomans for Sovereignty and
Free Enterprise (OK-SAFE).

Please log on to for more information.

A couple of weeks ago, the Oklahoma Gazette
published a letter to the editor called, "NASCO'S Final
Response" from Tiffany Melvin of Dallas. Ms. Melvin
just happens to be the executive director of the North
America's Super Corridor Coalition (NASCO). Melvin's
letter was in response to a letter published earlier in the
Gazette by Oklahoma State Senator Randy Brogdon
(R-Owasso), in which he spoke of plans to create a
NAFTA Superhighway.

Melvin indicates there is "confusion" about a "proposed
NAFTA Superhighway." "We are not involved in any
effort to develop a new 'NAFTA Superhighway' of any
kind." She goes on to say, "the idea of a giant, new
highway linking the three countries - it does not exist."
Please Tiffany, don't insult our intelligence.

Let me pose some questions. Is there actually a new
1,200 foot wide international multi-modal super
corridor in process of being built in Texas? Isn't is
called the Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC)? Is that the same
thing as a the NAFTA Super Corridor? Is it a new "foot
print" or will it overlay and greatly expand the size of
I-35? Does the State of Texas intend to build this
behemoth of a "NEW" highway and let it stop at the
Red River?

Tiffany, are you being intellectually dishonest,
deceitful or just plain old ignorant about what is
going on in your own State of Texas? Or could it be
you are squirming in an effort to prevent legislation
proposed by Senator Brogdon to withdraw the State
of Oklahoma from membership in your little club?
Folks, over the years, Oklahoma taxpayers have spent
hundreds of thousands of hard earned tax dollars to
pay dues to be a member of NASCO. I believe it is high
time we find out what the truth is on this issue and
what it means to Oklahoma as well as the United States.

Therefore, two of the speakers at our upcoming
seminar will address this issue head on. First, Kelly
Taylor, a writer, researcher and TV producer will speak
as well as have a power point presentation about the
myths and facts regarding this monstrosity of a
transportation corridor. In addition, Linda Stall, a
former member of the Governor's highway planning
commission will address the nuts and bolts of the TTC
and its expensive funding system called, a Public
Private Partnership (PPP). These will be just 2 of our
6 speakers. I want to urge everyone to make a special
effort to attend, and bring a friend.

Hat Tip to Charlie Meadows with OCPAC

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