Rep. Leslie Osborn (R- Tuttle) is the author of House Joint Resolution 1014, which would amend the state constitution to prevent unfunded mandates from forcing draconian cuts to vital government services, such as roads, schools and public safety.
“The constitution of Oklahoma stipulates that the Legislature divide the general revenue fund as they deem appropriate on a year-to-year basis and the people have a direct voice in that process through their elected representatives,” Osborn said. “That system needs to be preserved. Under my bill, general revenue would be budgeted solely according to the fiscal health of the state and not based on arbitrary unfunded mandates. This measure, which would go to a vote of the people, would insure that this constitutional right is not subverted.”
Osborn said unfunded mandates could be a growing problem in the future if constitutional protections are not enacted.
“Unfunded mandates require that money is taken off of the top of the general revenue fund, leaving much less to be divided up among vital agencies,” Osborn said. “As a result, those unfunded mandates could require drastic cuts to road funding or public safety programs, or even massive tax increases, which in the current economic climate could be devastating to our state economy.”
House Joint Resolution 1014 passed out of the House Rules Committee and now advances to the full Oklahoma House of Representatives.
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