I.R.O.N. has issued a very disparaging statement about SB 289, which I authored. They falsely claim that my bill would allow for the "continued driving of illegal aliens on our roads". Unfortunately I.R.O.N has taken the word of Federal and State authorities and issued this statement without discussing their concerns with me. Let me be clear, their concerns are inaccurate and without foundation.
I was a co-sponsor of HB 1804, the anti- illegal immigration bill and would not do anything to weaken that legislation.
Anyone who has followed my career knows that my legislation revolves around individual freedom and the protection of your God given rights.
In short, SB 289 protects your 4th Amendment rights by securing your personal identity and removing your fingerprint, biometric facial image as well as preventing the transfer of that information to other countries and to the federal government.
State and federal agencies like Homeland Security are currently gathering as much personal information on private citizens as they can. The ultimate goal is to "tag", "track", store, and transfer personal information without the knowledge of the citizens. The presumption of innocence until proven guilty is under attack by intrusive government agencies.
Please ignore the statement issued by I.R.O.N and contact my office if you have any concerns. 405-521-5566
Dedicated to Liberty,
Randy Brogdon
State Senate Dist. #34
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