Hat Tip to Cato @ Delmarva Dealings

Some have their favorites.
Some of us are undecided.
Unfortunately, too many Republicans don’t care.
Don’t underestimate the importance of this race.
A great chairman can do GREAT THINGS for the GOP. Just remember the fantastic job done by former chairman and current Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour.
Until the debate on January 5th, we’ll be stuck with getting bits and pieces from the candidates … and the usual opinion from people like me and my Red Maryland colleague Brian Griffiths. However, we do have two larger bits of info from two of the top tier candidates - former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele and Michigan GOP Chairman Saul Anuzis.
Thanks to our fearless Red Maryland leader Streiff, we have this interview given by Steel to CNSNews.com. You can also watch an interview with Steele on PJTV.
RedState has given a set of of ten questions to each candidate. Anuzis is the first candidate to return his answers. You can read them here.
I encourage you to read both Steele’s interview and Anuzis’ answers carefully.
I believe that you’ll find two distinct approaches.
While they may be close on most issues, Anuzis comes off as more forceful … and forthcoming.
With all due respect to Steele, he appears more concerned with offending someone than on getting it right (pay close attention to the PJTV interview and the Meet the Press interview).
We need a Chairman
who will LEAD!
who will LEAD!
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