Sunday, November 9, 2008

Boren seeks recount in Sen 43

A re-count has been ordered in the Oklahoma Senate District 43 race, which incumbent Republican Jim Reynolds won by 159 votes, according to final but unofficial returns.

David Boren, the Democratic candidate, requested the re-count, alleging voting irregularities. Reynolds also alleged irregularities in the race.

Boren is not related to University of Oklahoma President David Boren, a former legislator, governor and U.S. senator.

The District 43 re-count will begin at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday in Cleveland County and at 10 a.m. in Oklahoma County on the same day.

More than 27,000 residents of the two counties voted in Tuesday's election, which saw Republicans picked up two seats to grab a majority in the Senate for the first time in state history.

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