Define R.I.N.O.:
Republican In Name Only
Republican In Name Only
Examples of the type of Republican covered under this definition are:
Rep. Mark Kirk [R-IL]
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen [R-FL]
Rep. Michael Ferguson [R-NJ]
Rep. Christopher Shays [R-CT]
Rep. Michael Castle [R-DE]

Rep. Mark Kirk has introduced a bill, H.R. 6257: Assault Weapons Ban Reauthorization Act of 2008, which would “To reinstate the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act.”
The bill has been co-sponsored by the other four jackasses listed above. All of them claim to be Republicans.
All of them need to leave the party.
We don’t need your kind anymore. It is this kind of stuff that lost the Republican majority in Congress. No, not this particular issue, but the failure to adhere to Republican values in general. If you want to behave like a gun-grabbing Democrat, go sit on their side. It is better that the Republicans be in the minority, but true to conservative values than to be in the majority with no clear values at all.
The problem with gun violence isn’t that law abiding citizens have access to assault weapons, whatever that means. It’s that criminals use them to commit crimes. Read that last sentence. Commit crimes is the key part of that sentence. Having these guns be illegal will not limit the criminal’s access to them. It will only make them better armed than their victims.
I found out about this through the Jawa Report, who saw it on The Arsenal. Tip of the hat to both of them.
By the way, the phone number to Rep. Kirk’s office is 202-225-4835. Let him know how you feel about his actions.
1 comment:
Be sure to thank the IACP for their part in promoting this legislation.
the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) convened law
enforcement leaders and others concerned with gun violence from around the Midwest in Chicago in April 2007
at the Great Lakes Summit on Gun Violence, with support from the Joyce Foundation. Attendees reviewed the
research, listened to experts, shared information and worked hand in hand to draft recommendations. This
report comes from a regional group, but addresses a national problem, and it demands national attention.
Specific recommendations include:
Requiring judges and law enforcement
• to remove guns from situations of domestic violence, as well as from
people whose adjudicated mental illness, drug use, or previous criminal record suggests the possibility of
• Requiring that all gun sales take place through Federal Firearms License (FFL) holders with mandatory
background checks
***• Enacting an effective ban on military-style assault weapons, armor-piercing handgun ammunition, .50 caliber sniper rifles and other weapons that enable criminals to outgun law enforcement.****
• Restoring COPS funding to provide vital resources to state, local and tribal law enforcement
• Repealing the Tiahrt Amendment, which hinders investigation of illegal gun trafficking
taking a stand • 7
• Destroying guns that come into police possession once their law enforcement use has ended
• Improving officer training in debriefing suspects and handling crime guns, including tracing all guns
• Training police officers in tactics that can lessen the possibility that a hostile situation will erupt in
• Mandating safe storage of firearms by private citizens and providing safe facilities where gun owners can
store their weapons
• Mandating reporting of lost and stolen firearms
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