Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gov. Brad Boy Endorses: "The underdog" or as I call him "Fried Rice"

Subject: The underdog
Date: Saturday, October 11, 2008 8:05 AM
From: "Gov. Brad Henry"

Dear Friend:

In many ways, Andrew Rice's campaign for the United States Senate reminds me of my own underdog campaign for governor in 2002. We barnstormed the state that year, confident that our growing grassroots support and promise for change would help me overcome long odds to win in November.

Of course, there are people out there who aren't ready for change and will do what they can to stop it. Andrew is ready for the challenge but he needs your help.

Andrew began his campaign over a year ago, and now he's entering the critical final stretch. There are only 24 days until Election Day and the latest polls are showing that Andrew can win.

Andrew tells me he is just shy of the $35,000 weekly fundraising goal that will keep his campaign running strong. Even as little as $5 from you can help him get there. I told him that you and I would put him over the top.

As governor, I am proud when Oklahoma produces leaders like State Senator Andrew Rice.

Andrew's life has been touched by many experiences, including his faith, his missionary work, and the loss of his brother on 9/11. Growing up in Oklahoma, he acquired Oklahoma values - his work ethic and common sense - that have already marked his public service.

In an evenly divided Senate, Andrew has proven that he can work with both Democrats and Republicans to attack our state's most challenging issues. He has stood out as a leader on veterans' issues, health care, and energy.

Right now Andrew is mounting a strong campaign for U.S. Senate. I believe that Andrew Rice is the right choice for Oklahoma at a time when Washington is badly in need of new leaders with strong principles and a fresh bipartisan approach.

His steadfast faith and family values will always guide his work on issues that matter to Oklahomans, such as health care, education, economic fairness, and energy independence.

I know what it's like to run an underdog campaign and I know how grateful Andrew is for your help. We've beaten the odds before and I know we can do it again.

Thank you for your consideration and for your belief in Oklahoma.

- Brad
Brad Henry
Governor of Oklahoma
Pinko "Fried Rice" at a Anti-War Rally

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