Monday, October 6, 2008

American Minute - Oct. 6 - Lincoln, Emancipation & the Will of God

American Minute
Bill Federer

Just 70 miles from Washington, DC, the Battle of Antietam took place on September 17, 1862.

It was the single bloodiest day in the Civil War with the North and the South both losing over 10,000 men.

This costly battle convinced Britain and France not to recognize the Confederacy.

A week later, President Lincoln announced he would issue an Emancipation Proclamation, effective January 1.

Three weeks after the battle, on OCTOBER 6, 1862, President Lincoln met with Eliza Gurney and three other Quakers, saying:

"We are indeed going through a great trial...In the very responsible position in which I happen to be placed, being a humble instrument in the hands of our Heavenly we all are, to work out His great purposes..."

Lincoln continued:

"But if, after endeavoring to do my best in the light which He affords me, I find my efforts fail, I must believe that for some purpose unknown to me, He wills it...

If I had been allowed my way, this war would have ended...But we find it still continues...We must believe that He permits it for some wise purpose of His own."

Lincoln concluded:

"We cannot but believe that He who made the world still governs it."

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