Consistent, conservative values are what the Senate Republicans bring to the table at the State Capitol. Legislation to strengthen and protect families, making budget decisions that will do the greatest good with the resources available, and determining how we can best grow Oklahoma’s economy are all part of those conservative values. This past week, we provided leadership in each of these areas.
Every single member of the Senate Republican Caucus campaigned and was elected as a pro-life candidate. There was a time when we could not even get a committee hearing for these measures, but we’ve remained true to that cause and have succeeded passing major initiatives in recent sessions aimed at protecting the unborn and encouraging Oklahomans to choose life. This session, we passed new legislation to further advance that effort, only to have the bill, which passed with bipartisan support, vetoed by Governor Henry. The veto did not stand, and both chambers acted quickly to override. This legislation will protect the rights of healthcare providers to refuse to take part in an abortion and protects against coerced abortions. It will also provide a woman with an ultrasound of her unborn child which she has the option of viewing before undergoing an abortion. The measure also bans wrongful-life lawsuits.
In the area of fiscal conservatism, we announced an agreement between both leaders of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, and the Governor to write and pass what amounts to a standstill budget, which will leave the rainy day fund untouched and strong should there be a true emergency in future budget years. This is a cautious approach that will allow our state agencies to continue to provide vital services in case revenues decline in the future. Considering the deep budget cuts other states are being forced to make this year, we in much better shape financially.
On a separate note, I am excited that the Legislature enacted the bill authored by myself and Speaker Chris Benge providing a Quality Jobs incentive to help Oklahoma become the permanent home of an NBA professional team. This bill was not without its critics, but I cannot stress enough that this measure will not take one dime away from state revenues. The rebates provided for in the measure would come from funds that the state wouldn’t receive at all if no team is located here. Even with the rebates, the presence of such a team will still generate new revenues for the state, and further enhance not only our economy, but our image as a state that is growing and becoming better in every way.

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