Friday, March 21, 2008

Is Obama Wright? - Pastor Jeremiah Wright & Senator Barack

Senator Barack Obama and his pastor, the reverend Jeremiah Wright of the Trinity Unity Church of Christ in Chicago.

Do Wright's statements, which Obama regularly brought his family to witness for over two decades, reflect Obama's opinion of America and caucasians? Do his wife's statements shed more light on Barack's true beliefs?

Why wouldn't a leader, a future president, say something, anything, about such statements until forced by public outcry?

Is it possible that Barack Obama was completely unaware of these sermons and beliefs for over two decades?

Barack Obama can denounce Jeremiah Wright today, but does that erase seventeen years of spiritual and social guidance?


Anonymous said...
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betsy784 said...

Watch Rev. Jeremiah Wright's 9-11 sermon in context
Quarter of a million people have already watched this video