In 2004 McMullen, by 162 votes was elected to the legislature at the age of 25, and has served a district that includes the four counties of Washita, Kiowa, Caddo, and Canadian, stretching from the Oklahoma City suburbs and encompassing a large amount of rural southwestern Oklahoma.
Early in McMullen’s career, he was elected by colleagues to serve in one of five elected leadership positions in the House of Representatives. McMullen’s service as Chairman of the Democratic Caucus made him the youngest legislator in Oklahoma history to be elected to House leadership. He currently serves as the ranking member of the House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee.
McMullen hails from the small community of Burns Flat, Oklahoma, where he was the fourth generation raised on the family farm. McMullen credits his beginnings in leadership to the experiences he gained through the agricultural leadership organizations of 4-H and FFA. As a young man, McMullen was elected to serve as State President of the state’s largest youth organization, the Oklahoma 4-H Program and its 147,000 members.
Proceeding to Oklahoma State University, McMullen graduated as a Top Ten Senior man with a degree in agricultural economics. He then began a career in agriculture and economic development. Prior to his service in the Legislature, Ryan served as the Director of the El Reno Chamber of Commerce and Development Corporation. Currently McMullen and his family still operate a small cow/calf operation south of Burns Flat.
McMullen is expected to take the helm at USDA Rural Development in mid-July, at which time he will vacate his seat in the Oklahoma House of Representatives.
"Ryan McMullen will be an important advocate on behalf of rural communities throughout the state and help administer the valuable programs and services provided by the USDA that can enhance their economic success," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.
During his time as a state representative, his policy and legislative efforts have focused on agricultural and rural economic development issues. Previously, McMullen worked with the El Reno Chamber of Commerce and Development Corporation as Executive Director. He has broadcast radio experience and is familiar with rural economic issues throughout Oklahoma. McMullen holds a bachelor's degree in agricultural economics from Oklahoma State University.
Rural Development administers and manages over 40 housing, business, and community infrastructure and facility programs as laid out by Congress through a network of 6,100 employees located in 500 national, state and local offices. These programs are designed to improve the economic stability of rural communities, businesses, residents, farmers and ranchers and improve the quality of life in rural America. Rural Development has an existing portfolio of over $114 billion in loans and loan guarantees.
The USDA provides leadership on food, agriculture and natural resources and touches the life of every American. Reflecting President Obama's commitment to expanding economic opportunities in rural America, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and the USDA are working to enhance availability of broadband, promote the development of renewable energy, to conserve, maintain and improve our natural resources and environment, and promote a sustainable, safe, sufficient and nutritious food supply.