Well we headed to our first Town Hall Meeting this evening with our State Representatives Randy Terrill, Paul Wesselhoft of District 54 and our Fabulous State Senator Anthony Sykes tonight!
Representative Paul Wesslhoft is responsible for writing the bill which effectively forces The Westboro Church wackos a minimum of 500 feet from funerals held within the State of Oklahoma! He also has another feather in his cap in that he wrote a bill designed to keep sex offenders off websites such as MySpace and our own beloved Multiply!
Representative Randy Terrill is the hero of Oklahoma in that he authored our own immigration bill of which we are so proud, making it illegal to rent to or hire illegal immigrants. The bill also prohibits them from obtaining any state documentation such as drivers licenses, etc. He's actively involved in the current law suits and vowed to fight to the Supreme Court if necessary!
All three of these men worked to pass the English as the official state language bill which died recently. I was honored to meet these gentlemen, their wives and children!
And yes, as in the world of Multiply the Liberals were out in force claiming that these bills discriminate against sex offenders and lead to profiling! My hand shot up and I quickly pulled it down! You know how I get so I thought it best to remain quiet. Representative Terrill effectively handled the situations much better than I could have!
I also got to ask the question I've been dying to ask someone for the past few months. How come the Democratic Party has their Headquarters on Main Street, front and center and when I checked on line we have to got up to the city to find the nearest GOP Headquarters! The gentleman in charge asked me "are you a realtor?" Now I've got a mission for my lunch hours! I'm gonna hunt down a building! I got his card and come to find out he's friends with a lady I work with. Now there's just a little something that I CAN do for my country!
We're heading to a fund raiser for Representative Terrill next week? Now where's that idiot who called me a couch potato? Oh yeah, I blocked him!
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